---There exists a tool that helps folks understand why they feel as they do and why they act as they do. This tool consists of answering a set of questions that yields answers that allows trained individuals to predict what diseases they are heading toward based on the different traumas we may have had in our childhood.
What are the 9 ACES - adverse childhood experiences?
In the Minnesota BRFSS survey, respondents were asked if they had experienced any of the following nine types of ACEs: physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, mental illness of a household member, problematic drinking or alcoholism of a household member, illegal street or prescription drug use by a household member.
---Some people have had such horrendous things happen to them. A child who experienced such depravity and negativity in their lives is compared to PTSD. It's like spending time in combat never knowing any peace always high-strung and anxious ready for the second shoe to drop at any moment. They can be easily triggered and transported to a time when they were actually in a situation where these anxieties were a reality.
---Acceptance plays a big part in this, but is more a goal of the process and nothing to worry about near the beginning. That is one of those things that we are never sure we've surpassed until that day arises when we realize we are NO LONGER stuck in that cycle.
---Did you ever wonder why some people do better than other people. Did you ever wonder why some folks seem to rise up against all odds and kind of ‘get it’ while others do not. Are you curious to find out what some people are seeing while others don’t seem to have a clue. They have been able to forgive and accept where at other times, seemed impossible. If we watch television at all, we don’t have to go far to be told that the only real limits set on us are the ones that we put there. There is really no one to blame but ourselves!?!? We are holding on to the pain instead of forgiving and allowing the acceptance to come in. Don't Fault Yourselves Because of This. You Might NOT Be Quite Ready...YET! Someday You Will...but, NOT YET! REMEMBER: That's The Goal...NOT The Reality as of YET!
---Are we being lied to for the umpteenth time. Are we being handed another bill of goods that won’t work? We have heard it all before. It just sounds like another bunch of bull. The answer is NO, to that!
---There are ways to escape or at least manage the traumas we experienced in our childhoods. It shows how the kinds of things that happened early in our lives are probably still doing a number on us years or even decades later. Why are we still victims all these years later. What happened happened...whatever that was. Are we still under that spell that fueled the ship many years ago OR are we ready to take a good look at that fuel and make changes to upgrade where necessary? Are we ready to use some of the new technologies to bring us from the dark ages into a light that more and more are seeing and experiencing daily...making REAL CHANGES that last and don’t seem to fade, along the way.
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