Wednesday, February 22, 2006


LIFE: A Matter of ''Perspective''

---Do you see Life as a Battlefield or a Playground? Do you see yourself as THE player in the game or A player in the grand scheme of things? Do you see things from an US space, enjoying the accomplishments of others, etc. or do you compete and compare yourself to ALL others (less well) to find out how ''Good'', ''Better'' or ''Worse'' you are? Does your Life have a Me vs.Them ''feel'' to it, experiencing very little Peace? Do you blame others for your situation and circumstances? Or, do you take personal responsibility for your actions and where you find yourself to be (more well.)?
---Are you aware that how you see things can keep you from enjoying life? And that how you see things and your attitude towards life is something you have learned and developed. One thing to remember is that everyone is always doing their very best to become Loving and Lovable, to be whole, to become fulfilled at every moment, even when, and even if, for the most part, it isn't working out.
---Instead of our Minds being used to ''express'' the Love of our Hearts, we learn very early on, and falsely so, that our Minds must ''control'' the Love, how we feel, etc.. But all it truly does is interfere with it. The Mind and the Heart working as One, as a team, is optimal.,,that is WELLNESS. Until then, the Love of the Heart is always a better thing than the Knowledge and Thought of the Mind. We are taught backwards. Knowledge and Thought, we are told, is more important than Love - this is false. We see a lot of people stunted, not knowing how to show affection, even when it is ''appropriate.'' We let our image of ourself be the priority instead of ''acting'' from how we really feel in a situation. The Mind is the only thing that possesses an attitude or point of view. All the poor Heart wants to do is express Love, without being ''interfered'' with by the Mind.
---If you allow yourself to be led around by your thought processes all your life, you will be pretty empty. But if you allow your Heart to drive for awhile and allow your Mind to grow quiet [and it will], you will find Yourself. This is what Meditation does. This is what WELLNESS is about. You will see what this thing called Love is ALL about. The Battle will be over and you can then enjoy the Playground. It is Love that brings a Mind in Chaos back to Order and Fulfillment. Be Well.

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