Saturday, March 03, 2007

The ''OBJECTIVE'' Mind - About WELLNESS!


---Something I read by Bubba Free John, really stayed with me. He used the term- The ''Objective Mind.'' Treating the Mind as an ''Object.'' This had never occurred to me.
---I could see the advantages of the Mind being more than a storehouse of information. I could see it as a ''TOOL,'' a biocomputer, if you will, that is able to be used in many different ways. When the Mind is ''IMPERSONAL,'' it's allowed to be what it is [OBJECTIVE] and NOT what we try to make it to be [SUBJECTIVE]. Give the Mind free rein to be a Mind, and through this you let it be itself. The Mind is not a Subjective ''problem,'' but an Objective ''tool.''
---To give an example of what I mean, think back to your first few times on the computer. Speaking for myself, I used to get stuck in links and programs, clicking the ''mouse'' even at nothing, trying to get some kind of reaction. A more or less, hit or miss approach. Clicking up lots of things I didn't want or need to deal with, but now had to. They were like side-affects. This is like the Subjective way of doing things.
---The Objective approach is more knowing how the computer works and what it can do and knowing what you want or need. You don't think about all the fundamentals you may know. You use it as ''need be the case.'' It is an Objective ''tool,'' and not tedious and boring. You ''set-and-forget'' the suddenly ''easy'' parts and actually enjoy your time with it. Until then, it is like the Subjective mind. To me, the Objective approach is much more ''the-way-to-be'' or WELLNESS. Be Well.

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