Wednesday, February 22, 2006


''The Concept Or
Trick To It.''

---The problem of ownership comes into question. Owning up and owning. This is also an Objectivity and Subjectivity issue. It is a WELLNESS issue. Firstly, I think that One is responsible for where one is and sees the implications of the choices one has made. We must see the objectivity of ownership.
---We realize that we really don't own anything. We may have things that we use, but everything has a temporal quality and to know when to ''fold 'em'' is a critical point. This has an Objective quality to it. We see things as they are and our relationship to them is fleeting. That is not to say that we shouldn't get the most from what we have, when we have it, but Objectivity-Subjectivity, attachment-detachment plays a role.
---When we Love something, we have no problem with this. We tell it this Truth in our relationship to it. We enjoy our relationship with ''it.'' If we are attached to something, we are dependent on it, and hence suffer when we are not lovingly in its presence. If we buy into the fact that we Love everything, then it is our thinking that becomes faulty. We think there are things and situations that we don't Love, and fall outside of LOVE, itself. This is not True. It begins and ends in Love.
---When we Love, it is not an ownership situation. When we Love, it is about a freeing situation. We allow it to stand ''as it is'', and don't attempt to change it. We enjoy being in the presence of that which we Love. That which has no hold on us and vice-versa. By Objective, I mean that we don't lay claim, we enjoy...and, hence - more well. We then have no trouble giving way to things and situations when the time is right.
---The Objective Language comes from how we see things. If we see rightly, we understand the flux of things and their ever-changing quality. Our Love comes in the unconditional acceptance, and allow things to be as they are. We have a relationship then with the ''as is'' instead of the ''as should be'', a projection we have laid ownership to. We do not ''own'' anything.
---Through our Love and Intelligence we can see this Objective-Subjective demarcation. Be Well.

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