Wednesday, February 22, 2006

''BEYOND'' pain


---There is a Buddhist saying that goes, ''All suffering is due to attachment.'' This is a Truism. If we look at this a bit closer, at the logic involved, we can say-attachment to the EGO, which is also the subjective-self. Being ''more'' well is the target rather than being ''less'' well. Being more objective makes one less subjective, which is the way to let go and become less attached. An example of subjective is, ''I am in pain.'' More objective is, ''I am a being that happens to have pain.''
---It is about ownership and seeing oneself as just ANOTHER player in the game [Objective - more well], instead of seeing oneself focused in on the pain and THE player in the game [Subjective - less well]. We 'let go' of our focus, our honing in to the pain, and see more broadly while the pain is something yourself and others just happen to be experiencing now. It WILL pulsate away as we let it go and allow it to. Learn to let go. You experience greater wellness. Be Well.

G. Patrick Flanagan

---I saw Patrick give a 'talk' at a Whole Life Expo. Almost as an aside he mentioned, ''The way to avoid Alzheimers Disease is to 'hold your breath until you can't hold it any longer, and then go a little further.' In this way, the blood goes to your head and 'feeds' it [the brain]. Do this a couple times a day and you will not get Alzheimers Disease'. Makes sense to me.

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